On October 20, 2022, HL-3 plasma current achieved 1.15 million amps. Since mid-September, HL-3 started baking at 130℃ for more than 2 weeks. At end September, HL-3 subsystem engineering commissioning started. On Sep.30, plasma was obtained in HL-3. On Oct.19, 2022, HL-3 reached Ip>1MA with pure ohmic driving and heating, elongated limiter, 1.2s plasma duration to ramp-up, ne~7*1019 m-3.
Next step tasks of HL-3 include:
1. Further improvement and optimization on the magnetic control, e.g, shaping, positioning and divertor configuration, etc..
2. Commission of heating system, 5 MW NB, 4MW EC and 2 MW LH.
3. Commission of cryopumps and cryogenic system for the advanced divertor experiment.
4. Physics studies.
After 1.15MA discharge, HL-3 will have a short rest. As many tasks need to be performed, the physics experiment at end 2022 is still challenging in consideration of work interfaces, man-power, test of HV power suppliers, maturity of the magnetic control systems, verification of diagnostics.