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[HL-3]Brief introduction

Time: 31 August 2023

  China's new ‘artificial sun’ - HL-3 tokamak built in 2020 is currently China's largest advanced tokamak device. Using a more advanced structure, HL-3 can achieve high density, high specific voltage, high bootstrap current operation. The maximum plasma temperature can reach 150 million degrees, the highest plasma current can reach 2.5MA. The total height of HL-3 is 8.39m, the diameter is about 8m, and the total weight of the TOKAMAK machine is 470 tons.

  HL-3 will address critical physics and technology challenges for ITER and next-step fusion devices

       High performance, high βN scenarios compatible with advanced divertor

  Tests and validation of high heat flux plasma-facing components

  Investigation of advanced plasma physics with high performance


  Main parameters of HL-3


  In Aug. 2023, HL-3 realized high-confinement mode operation with a plasma current of one million amperes for the first time in China. The breakthrough puts the operational level of China's magnetically controlled nuclear fusion device at the forefront of the world, marking an important milestone in the country's development of nuclear fusion energy.


  In 2022, a breakthrough was made on HL-3: the plasma current reached 1.15 million amperes, creating a new record for the operation of China's controlled nuclear fusion device. It is quite a step toward ignition in China's nuclear fusion research and development.


  SWIP will be open soon for international proposals and in-person participation for physical experiments.